Negotiating for Your Career and Beyond

“If you’re good at what you do, you can always ask for more.” When a friend said this to Ji Eun “Jamie” Lee, the first presenter at the first-ever Bullish Conference, a light-bulb went off. Women tend not to negotiate for increased salary or benefits. Realizing this, Jamie has tailored her negotiation workshop to women, addressing not only the skills needed, but also the massive emotional impact of asking for a raise.

Jamie’s workshop is divided into two parts, with a presentation at the beginning, and an interactive mock negotiation in the second half. Her presentation presents a framework for successful negotiation. One of her core tenants is the importance of genuine confidence. Would-be negotiators must believe in their abilities, and be able to quantify their value to the other side.

They also must know how much they are worth. Jamie recommends extensive market research, and tapping into your extended network for feedback. Ultimately, successful negotiation lies in understanding the needs of the other side. Jamie points out that women often have a heightened capacity for listening, allowing them to tune into the exact needs of their companies and clients.

After the workshop, one participant explained that she did not think she had anything to negotiate—however, during the mock negotiation, she realized she could apply these lessons to her upcoming apartment move. As the saying goes, everything is a negotiation, and fierce bargaining skills can have an impact on every aspect of your life.

Emily is the winner of the Bullish Blogger Scholarship. For her very first Bullish post, click here. Follow Emily at @ebrowndowntown on Twitter.

Jamie Lee is a speaker at Bullish Conference. For more information on her workshop, click here. Follow her on Twitter here.

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