GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community Wed, 05 Feb 2025 18:25:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community 32 32 How to Make Progress When You’re Just a Dried-out Husk of a Person Wed, 05 Feb 2025 18:25:50 +0000 Do you feel like you are kind of a crusty old shell of something that used to be a fun and cool person? Like a sea urchin someone removed from the sea fifty years ago, hollowed out, and filled with hard candies from the seventies that have since become dusty? This happens to everyone from… Continue reading How to Make Progress When You’re Just a Dried-out Husk of a Person

The post How to Make Progress When You’re Just a Dried-out Husk of a Person first appeared on GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community.

make progress

Do you feel like you are kind of a crusty old shell of something that used to be a fun and cool person? Like a sea urchin someone removed from the sea fifty years ago, hollowed out, and filled with hard candies from the seventies that have since become dusty?

This happens to everyone from time to time.  

You probably still want to make progress in your life, though.

When I first started writing Bullish (here I shall “oh sweet summer child” myself), I envisioned it as a series of articles for already-high achievers who wanted to MAX THEIR SHIT OUT. I knew – as a successful, unencumbered person who even had great biceps – that I was in a brief season in life where the shit had not hit the fan. I knew the shit would hit the fan later, and I wrote about it obsessively. MAX YOUR SHIT OUT, MAKE PROGRESS, PREPARE YOUR FUTURE SELF FOR DOOMSDAY.

I was surprised, then, to start getting so many questions from people dealing with bad shit now, already. At one Bullish Conference, we did an opening roundtable where one person mentioned dealing with migraines, and then something like twenty percent of the remaining attendees also disclosed that they have serious migraines, and then fortunately there was a workshop on succeeding despite limitations by Esmé Wang, who has written about schizophrenia and late-stage Lyme Disease, and who, among many useful tips, talked about writing a book from bed on her phone. 

Does Bullish disproportionately attract migraine sufferers? It is very possible.

Let’s talk about how to move your life forward when you are a dried-out husk of a person. 

Don’t put tasks on your list that you know you don’t have the personality for

I have had many business ideas that were dependent on doing something like, “Go around to local stores and sell them on this idea.” I will never do that. Not even once. Doing this just one time would take weeks of my life energy, like that torture machine they put Westley on in The Princess Bride.

If you are an eldritch horror, you are not the person to do that task. 

Does the task actually need done? 

If it was assigned to you by a boss, discuss with the boss how the overall project will be more effective if you instead do some other, specific thing that you are an expert in, and the sprightly social task goes to some person on whom you will now lay numerous, sincere compliments. “I was just thinking that our new hire, Brad, has an amazing ability to build relationships with IT vendors, so I think he’d be very successful at presenting our offering to delivery drivers. It would be a growth opportunity for him.”

What if it wasn’t a boss? Did you do this? If you assigned this task to yourself, go look in the mirror: You are Gollum and you would want your ring back if you cared enough, right? What were you thinking? Now seriously:

What was the endgame of that task? To sell something? To publicize something? To get a new job?  In order to make progress, you need to keep your end goal in sight. 

Warehouse Clearance Sale


How can you reach that endgame in a way that turns your personality – or the dank remains of your personality at this time – into a strength? What can you do that Brad cannot and how can you use it to achieve your aims? Can you build relationships with other dank souls and malcontents? Can you make a name for yourself by publicly hating something? Can you methodically do a large task so detailed that Brad would forget who he is halfway through?

Are you in a hiring position? You can hire a chipper personality. Do not abuse that person or make them sad. You can’t completely abnegate the emotional labor burden of interacting with humans professionally. But a “cheerful demeanor,” a “good phone personality,” the “ability to express excitement to prospects about our offerings” are all things you can hire for. Plenty of people are naturally bubbly and extroverted and have not found a way to monetize this characteristic, so you could form a mutually beneficial professional relationship with such a person. 

Feminists talk a lot about emotional labor. The point of recognizing emotional labor isn’t that no one should do it – it’s that it’s real work. What’s great about that is that you can pay someone to do it, and when you pay someone to do it, you don’t have to. Make progress by finding this person and enlisting them ASAP.

And remember: only assign yourself Dark Arts from now on.

Already a dried-out husk? You are INVINCIBLE

There is a Chinese expression “to eat bitterness,” meaning to suck it up and do something unpleasant. Is your life already bitter? Do things kind of suck? How much more bitterness could you absorb into your life and not even notice? Can you make progress in your life by doing that, at least for a time?

When your life is charmed, it’s quite a blow to have to lock yourself in a room and study biochem or do those tedious physical therapy exercises that are going to fix your back. But there comes a point of stoicism in the life of a desiccated woodland tree-witch whose rage has deadened into stoic glowering and beetles. BRING IT, you are numb to the punishment these tasks bring!

Begin the tasks that are too painful for the sweet, tender-skinned above-ground people. 

I wrote in this article about breakups:

Finally, heartbreak can be helpful. It drowns out a lot of other things, like muscle soreness from really solid exercising, or boredom from monotonous forms of work. Go organize all the receipts for your taxes. Run. Take the cat to the vet. Do 500 calf raises. Make flashcards of French verb conjugations. Heartbreak  will numb you to the little trials and boredoms that bog down happy people.

Just do really productive, somewhat-boring things repetitively and stoically in order to improve your life, so that when you feel better, you’ll look around and say, “Holy shit, the sun is shining again and my job is amazing and I can do six pullups in a row and I speak French?”

You will now make progress in your own life by taking a course that you hate but that will put you well above your peers, or crunching so much data that the presentation of this data to a decision maker will frighten them. Are you filled with hate? How much hate can you encompass in the bone-chilling void that is your psyche at this time? Do more things the tenderhearted cannot bear. It’s leg day at the gym. Let your quads burn like you want to burn your enemies.  

Slowly and stoically, set up your future self

Some of us identify as a “Wednesday” and some of us as a “Morticia,” but sometimes, you absolutely cannot be bothered to style your gothic hair and form human words with your mouth. You are Lurch. And you know what Lurch does for the Addams family? He is a butler. 

You will be your own butler. 

And I wrote in this article about how to be productive when you’re a little tipsy:

Think of drunk-you as the lovably inexact personal assistant to sober-you.

Go ahead and have some more wine. Now what does sober-you need to get started tomorrow? An outfit? Great, get that ready.

A packed lunch? Pack her one of those mason jar salads so she doesn’t have to worry about lunch and can stay at her desk working. You can make a mason jar salad while inebriated: Just put the dressing at the bottom, and something that’s not lettuce on top of that, and some lettuce on the top. If you don’t have any lettuce, just throw some food in a jar. Many cultures have different ideas of what constitutes “salad.” A jar of meat and candy is a salad if you believe it in your heart.

A Post-It on her monitor reminding her of her top priority? Do it.

Certain documents and emails all in one place? Great idea! Most of the time that people procrastinate on a task, it’s because they don’t have all their materials together, and they don’t know clearly what the steps should be. Two drinks in the night before is a great time to work that out.

Now tomorrow-you can get started first thing in the morning.

The same principle applies, except you are not drunk. You are a Frankensteinian force of (un)nature, moving things where they need to be, rearranging your haunted mansion. Prop up a corpse in the corner! Festive! Choose a Powerpoint template and make a title slide as though you are making it for a completely different person who likes giving presentations. Set it up as much as you can for your future self. Headshot? Page numbers? Lurch can do this well enough.

It seems likely that you will eventually have a future self who is more like the daywalkers, laughing and brunching and signing emails “Cheers!” If you think that will happen in a few days, get all your future self’s clothes ready and clean out their inbox. If you think it’ll be a lot longer until they’re back, stop buying things that a large assemblage of stolen body parts unnaturally imbued with life wouldn’t need and aggressively save money so later they can live in a rotting tree stump in a haunted forest without having to go into the village to buy spider parts and cauldrons.

Look, sometimes, you fulfill your childhood potential, and sometimes you’re just a compost bin behind a face. That’s okay. It happens to everyone. 

There’s no need to feel guilty about already feeling bad. It’s possible to arrange your work to be a better fit for your inescapable knowledge of human decay. Where are my sea witches? Where are my raccoon people? Let’s do this.

How to Make Progress in Your Life and Career When You're Just a Dried Out Husk of a Person
Here is an infographic, in case that would help you in some way. You could pin it to a board in the dank basement of Pinterest.

The post How to Make Progress When You’re Just a Dried-out Husk of a Person first appeared on GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community.

20+ Cozy Winter Gifts for Her – Robes, Slippers, and Throw Blankets Lookbook Thu, 21 Nov 2024 05:39:45 +0000 Cozy gifts are classics for a reason – there’s nothing like slipping into a new robe on Christmas morning, or spending the holiday in new fuzzy slippers. Here at FemPowerGifts by GetBullish, we have a cutely edited collection of robes, slippers, and more: easy gifts that are always appreciated, On this page:▷ Kaylee Robe in… Continue reading 20+ Cozy Winter Gifts for Her – Robes, Slippers, and Throw Blankets Lookbook

The post 20+ Cozy Winter Gifts for Her – Robes, Slippers, and Throw Blankets Lookbook first appeared on GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community.


Cozy gifts are classics for a reason – there’s nothing like slipping into a new robe on Christmas morning, or spending the holiday in new fuzzy slippers.

Here at FemPowerGifts by GetBullish, we have a cutely edited collection of robes, slippers, and more: easy gifts that are always appreciated,

On this page:
Kaylee Robe in Navy and White Star Print
Luxe Llama Sherpa Lined Slippers

And check out our other Gifts Under $30 while you’re at it – we’ve got so many gifts for women, we made you this little guide to help narrow it down.

This post was created entirely by humans (not AI). Why would you want to read something no one could be bothered to write? We’re here (both physically and mentally!) to recommend gifts and ship your packages promptly.

Please note: GetBullish carries over 5,000 products and they sell out frequently! If a link takes you to a different page than you expect, that means the original item has sold out since the post was created and we’ve purposely redirected the link to something else you might enjoy.

Nothing goes better with a big cozy scarf than a compliment.

On this page:
Anchor Plaid Blanket Scarf

It’s hard to go wrong with a scarf. Warm, cozy, ultra-helpful while traveling – these soft scarves can serve as romantic gifts, friend gifts, mom gifts… what’s more universally human than wrapping some nice cloth around your neck? Our cave ancestors would be jealous that now we can do it with pompoms.

On this page:
Aquamarine Blanket Scarf
Zoey Stripe Scarf in Green

Does she have feet? Everyone can use a new pair of slippers. Quick, check the inside of her shoes when she’s not looking to get her size.

On this page:
Luxe Llama Sherpa Lined Slippers
Book Club Plush Slippers

On this page:
Cool Funky Daisy Puffy Blanket in Travel Bag
Fur Trim Poncho in Serape
Three In One Knit Gloves in Dusty Lavender
I Love Paris Slippers in Blush Pink
Koi Fish Japanese Tea Set
Sunni Scenes Throw Blanket

These robes are SO plush and SO soft. And with a jaunty star print!

On this page:
Plush Robes from BeWicked

On this page:
Kimonos by Miss Sparkling
Absorbent Spa Headbands
Stay Cozy Champagne Tumbler
Sweater Cats Sherpa Lined Slippers
Sunni Scenes Woven Throw Blankets

Hats and gloves make sweet stocking stuffers! Three in one gloves consist of two layers that can be worn together or separately.

On this page:
Heart Beanie with Pompom
Three in One Gloves

Men are allowed to be cozy too! Don’t let the patriarchy tell you you’re too grrrrr to wear a scarf. Warmth is for everyone! Also, these fleece ball caps are a brilliant invention for staying warm in style.

On this page:
Onyx Check Blanket Scarf
Fleece Sherpa Winter Ball Cap

Thank you for shopping small! Honestly, we think you should buy ALL your gifts from us. We’ve got thousands and we’re standing by to ship them out to you or your gift recipient.

Shop the whole Cozy Gifts Collection at FemPowerGifts by GetBullish

The post 20+ Cozy Winter Gifts for Her – Robes, Slippers, and Throw Blankets Lookbook first appeared on GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community.

50+ Stylish Cat Lover Gifts: 2024 Holidays Gift Guide Lookbook Sun, 27 Oct 2024 00:36:40 +0000 If you want to give a special gift to a human who loves cats, we’d be pleased to suggest more than fifty gift ideas that are stylish, affordable (nearly everything in our entire store is under $30), cute, funny, and sometimes even useful! Here at FemPowerGifts by GetBullish, one of our runaway successes of 2024… Continue reading 50+ Stylish Cat Lover Gifts: 2024 Holidays Gift Guide Lookbook

The post 50+ Stylish Cat Lover Gifts: 2024 Holidays Gift Guide Lookbook first appeared on GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community.


If you want to give a special gift to a human who loves cats, we’d be pleased to suggest more than fifty gift ideas that are stylish, affordable (nearly everything in our entire store is under $30), cute, funny, and sometimes even useful!

Here at FemPowerGifts by GetBullish, one of our runaway successes of 2024 was inspired by a silly remark in the public square about “childless cat ladies” – we put the response I’ll Always Trust a Childless Cat Lady Over a Catless Child Man on shirts and stickers – but this Childless Cat Lady Mug really took off. We’re kind of a cat lady store, actually.

So let us show you around.

On this page:
You Can’t Spell Homeowner Without Meow Motel Keychain
World’s Best Cup: GetBullish Sticker Tumbler
This Bag Might Be Full of Kittens Handy Tote by BlueQ

This post was created entirely by humans (not AI). Why would you want to read something no one could be bothered to write? We’re here (both physically and mentally!) to recommend gifts and ship your packages promptly.

Please note: GetBullish carries over 5,000 products and they sell out frequently! If a link takes you to a different page than you expect, that means the original item has sold out since the post was created and we’ve purposely redirected the link to something else you might enjoy.

The I’m a Crazy Cat Lady Journal features a vintage style cover printed with designs from actual vintage books.

Also see the Curious Cat Journal and the Smarty Cats Journal from Peter Pauper, and a cat themed reusable sticker book.

BlueQ’s catnip pouches come filled with catnip and featuring funny sayings like “Kitty’s First Bong Rip,” “My Human Smokes Weed,” and “You Are My Perfect Precious Angel Baby and I Would Die Without You.”

Grab a handful of BlueQ catnip toys at GetBullish and stuff your stockings.

I mean, if you want the cat to literally tear your Christmas stocking apart while you’re sleeping.

So maybe put it in a box.

On this page:
Romance Novels Cats & Coffee Motel Keychain
Rage Spite and Revenge All the Way Down Framed Print
I Wasn’t Put on This Earth to Do Emails and Housework Magnet

On this page:
The Worst is Yet to Come Car Air Freshener by MBMB
How This Email Finds You Greeting Card by Boss Dotty
Sweater Cats Slippers by Infinity Classics
Black Cat Handmade Pendant Necklace by Divine Iguana

So pretty! So cheerful! The Hope You Like Cats Indoor/Outdoor Doormat lets visitors know what they’re in for.

And this sturdy Meow Cats Belt Bag from Danica says meow everywhere you go. Wear around your waist or slung across your chest, there are so many ways to wear a modern belt bag. This one is made from stiff, high-quality cotton.

On this page:
I’ll Always Trust a Childless Cat Lady Over a Catless Child Man Mug
KItty Pizza Cutter by Ototo
Cat Butt Oven Mitt by BlueQ
I Scratch You Bleed Mug by GetBullish
Cats Casserole Dish Cover by Danica
If You Honk at Me, This is Who You’re Honking At Car Magnet by A Shop of Things
Catsville Jumbo Zipper Pouch
Makin’ Biscuits Mug by GetBullish
Agent of Chaos Towel by BlueQ
Lucky Cat Rectangular Water Bottle
Don’t Leave Item Unattended, the Cat is an Asshole Jumbo Pouch
World Domination Cats Pencil Case by BlueQ

This unisex Cats Apron from BlueQ is has everything you could want in an apron, from an adjustable neck strap and long waist ties to two large pockets and a charming retro cats design.

Wear it for everyday cooking or barbecuing outdoors.

Suitable for women and men, fits larger bodies well.

Of course we have more BlueQ aprons. Hey, it could be the year you just give everybody aprons. People will talk about it for years.

On this page:
Holy Shit Cats! Women’s Ankle Socks
I Need a Cat Nap Socks

There are certainly more cat socks at GetBullish for those who desire both warm feet and a celebration of feline friendship.

On this page:
Cast Iron Round Cat
Distinguished Gentleman Magnetic Cat Bookmark
Cat Door Stopper

The Conjuring of Lucipurr magnet by Ephemera
Cat Hair Spatula by Primitives by Kathy
Chase the Laser Pointer Sneaker Socks by BlueQ
We Watch You Having Sex Pouch by GetBullish
Purr More Hiss Less Keychain by GetBullish
Cats Welcome People Tolerated Sign by Primitives by Kathy
Full Moon Black Cat Towel by Primitives by Kathy
Cats Don’t Tell Police Where Your Drugs Are Magnet by Ephemera

Why is it always “cat lady”? What is it with cats and, well, ladies? How did anyone ever think “cat lady’ could be an insult? It’s an honor, frankly. You can share your life with what is essentially a miniature panther that, instead of devouring you, just makes biscuits with their lil baby claws.

On this page:
BlueQ Tiger Kitty Shopper
Orange Cat Hair Claw

This brings us to the end of our 2024 lookbook. We hope you enjoyed it! Shop the whole Cat Lady Collection of Unique Cat Lover Gifts at FemPowerGifts by GetBullish

The post 50+ Stylish Cat Lover Gifts: 2024 Holidays Gift Guide Lookbook first appeared on GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community.

Laugh-Out-Loud Moments: 21 Hilarious White Elephant Gift Ideas for 2024 Sat, 26 Oct 2024 14:40:19 +0000 Updated for Holidays 2024: Welcome to a world where laughter takes center stage and gift-giving becomes an uproarious affair! In our latest guide to white elephant” we’re diving headfirst into the realm of merriment and mischief. If you’re tired of the same old gift exchange routine and are ready to elevate your holiday gatherings to… Continue reading Laugh-Out-Loud Moments: 21 Hilarious White Elephant Gift Ideas for 2024

The post Laugh-Out-Loud Moments: 21 Hilarious White Elephant Gift Ideas for 2024 first appeared on GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community.


Updated for Holidays 2024: Welcome to a world where laughter takes center stage and gift-giving becomes an uproarious affair! In our latest guide to white elephant” we’re diving headfirst into the realm of merriment and mischief. If you’re tired of the same old gift exchange routine and are ready to elevate your holiday gatherings to a whole new level of hilarity, you’re in the right place.

In this curated collection, we’ve scoured the landscape to unearth the most side-splitting, eye-watering, and downright amusing white elephant gifts that 2024 has to offer. Whether you’re attending an office party, family gathering, or festive soirée with friends, these 21 gems are guaranteed to elicit chuckles, giggles, and maybe even a few snorts.

Introducing the candy canes that will have your taste buds questioning their life choices – Sour Cream & Onion and Bacon Flavored! Move over peppermint, because these quirky confections are here to take your holiday snacking to a whole new level.

1. Sour Cream & Onion Flavored Candy Canes – Because who needs regular old chips when you can have the delightful crunch of a candy cane with the tangy zing of sour cream and the savory kick of onion? It’s a flavor explosion that will make your taste buds do the cha-cha.

2. Bacon Flavored Candy Canes – Brace yourself for the sizzling sensation of Bacon Flavored Candy Canes. Forget about the traditional breakfast plate – now you can satisfy your bacon cravings in candy cane form.

3. Gravy Flavored Candy Canes – Ditch the turkey, forget the mashed potatoes – this holiday season, we’re bringing you the one and only Gravy Flavored Candy Canes! Yes, you read that right – the savory sensation of grandma’s secret gravy recipe, now in candy cane form.

4. I’m Just Pretending To Care” Mini Desk Sign – Elevate your office sarcasm with this mini nameplate – the perfect desk accessory for those moments when your enthusiasm decides to take an extended coffee break. It’s the subtle way of letting coworkers know that your smile is as genuine as a three-dollar bill, all while adding a touch of comedic flair to your 9-to-5 grind.

5. My Favorite Position? CEO Desk Sign – Declare your ambition with a wink and a touch of pink flair with this funny nameplate – because who needs a corner office when you can be the boss in the most fabulous shade? It’s the perfect white elephant gift for anyone who dreams of world domination, one stylish desk accessory at a time!

6. Keep Rolling Your Eyes, Maybe You’ll Find A Brain Back There Black Mug – Sip your coffee with a side of sass and a dash of dark humor. It’s the perfect office gag gift for that eye-rolling champion in your life, adding a touch of wit to their morning caffeine ritual – because who needs a brain when you’ve got a killer sense of humor?

7. Chicken Nuggets Soap – For the person who loves their nugs. And, hopefully, washing up. Give this to someone who loves their Mickey D’s – or the person you suspect of leaving the office bathroom without washing their hands.

8. Next Stop Poop Town Toot Toot Lavatory Mist – All aboard the laugh train with this lavatory mist in apple blossom and citrus scent – because even your bathroom breaks deserve a touch of whimsy. With a spritz of humor and a fragrance that says, “I mean business,” this white elephant gift is your ticket to a hilariously fragrant loo experience!

9. Poo-Pourri Dapper Crapper Gift Set – More toilet stuff. So much more toilet stuff! Always good for a laugh, but also useful! If you give this to someone you share a bathroom with, you also will benefit, so it’s a win-win.

10. Boot-y Wash Soap On A Rope – The only soap that cleans your body and kicks up your shower routine a notch with its stylish, hydrating boots shape. It’s the perfect office gift for those who believe cleanliness should always come with a side of punny footwear flair in the bathroom!

11. Handages Tiny Hand Bandages – Because even small injuries deserve a big dose of humor. Packed in a metal tin, these comically tiny bandages are the perfect remedy for life’s little boo-boos, proving that laughter is indeed the best medicine, even for your tiniest wounds.

12. Chaos Coordinator / Director Of Sarcasm Reversible Wooden Desk Plate – the ultimate accessory for the unsung hero of office pandemonium and mastermind of snarky comebacks. Flip it to match your mood, whether you’re conducting chaos or orchestrating a symphony of sarcasm, this desk plate is your official badge of witty authority in the workplace jungle!

13. Plant Life Pee My Plants Mini Garden Statue – Because even your green companions need a guardian with a sense of humor. This whimsical addition to any garden is the perfect white elephant gift for the plant parent who believes in adding a touch of mischief to their botanical haven!

14. Despair Holiday Ornament – Deck the halls … if you must. We’re all going to die either way.

15. Sardines Pens in a Tin – Why are sardines funny? They’re little fish in a can. Possibly rude to eat in the office. They’re just funny. These ones are pens.

16. Employee of the F**king Month – How cool is your workplace with swearing? Because this one has swearing.

17. Sudweiser Soap on a Rope – For people who like beer, and also showering, and also puns (or at least rhymes), and also ’80s references (soap on a rope was real big back then).

18. Every Day I’m Cross Stitching – This 2025 wall calendar is perfect for crafters! Crafters who love ’90s rap music, that is. The Mac Dad’ll make you JUMP JUMP!

19. Poo-Pourri Bathroom Spray Boombox Gift Set – It looks like a boombox – cool ’80s reference, yo! – but yet again, it is toilet spray. Look, poop is funny.

20. Team Night Owl: 9am Meetings Get 9am Beatings Black Mug – Who needs caffeine when you have a mug that speaks the truth about early morning obligations? This white elephant gift is a great office companion for the nocturnal worker who believes in starting their day after the rest of the world has had its coffee!

21. Crusty Old Gen X Lady Who Can’t Even Ceramic Mug – Perfect for the Gen Xer who thrives on sarcasm and can’t be bothered to deal with life’s trivialities before caffeine – because who needs responsibility when you’ve got a mug that speaks your language?

We hope you’ve discovered the perfect dose of wit and whimsy to elevate your gift-giving game this year. Whether you’re aiming to be the reigning champion of the white elephant exchange or simply looking to spread joy through unconventional presents, these 21 hilarious gift ideas for 2024 are sure to leave a lasting impression. So, go forth and wrap up those giggle-inducing surprises – because in the end, the gift of laughter is the one that keeps on giving, long after the wrapping paper has been torn away. Happy gifting, and may your holidays be filled with laugh-out-loud moments!

The post Laugh-Out-Loud Moments: 21 Hilarious White Elephant Gift Ideas for 2024 first appeared on GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community.

GetBullish Original Coffee Mugs: Elevate Your Morning Routine Wed, 02 Oct 2024 18:51:00 +0000 Updated for Holidays 2024 Picture this: as you sip on your morning cup of steaming hot coffee and wrap your hands around the smooth, comforting surface of a GetBullish coffee mug, you can’t help but feel an instant surge of happiness coursing through your veins. GetBullish original mugs are every coffee lover’s dream come true!… Continue reading GetBullish Original Coffee Mugs: Elevate Your Morning Routine

The post GetBullish Original Coffee Mugs: Elevate Your Morning Routine first appeared on GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community.


Updated for Holidays 2024

Picture this: as you sip on your morning cup of steaming hot coffee and wrap your hands around the smooth, comforting surface of a GetBullish coffee mug, you can’t help but feel an instant surge of happiness coursing through your veins.

GetBullish original mugs are every coffee lover’s dream come true! Available in classic white or sleek black, these mugs offer the perfect canvas for your favorite hot beverage. But what makes them truly special is their ability to celebrate individuality and bring a smile to anyone’s face.

Our most popular mug for besties! And if you have multiple best friends, it’s even funnier to give them to all your “sister wives”:

And, our most popular mug for men and people of all genders:

For those who wear their LGBTQ Pride with pride, there are vibrant and empowering mugs that showcase colorful shades of love and acceptance.

GetBullish original coffee mugs are the epitome of happiness, bringing joy and positivity to people of all ages. Whether you belong to Generation X or the Boomer generation, these mugs have just the right touch of nostalgia while radiating a contemporary charm (and hilarious quotes) that never fails to uplift spirits. 

The office rebels will find solace in the rebellious spirit infused within each cup, an unspoken declaration that you won’t settle for a mediocre morning routine.

Our inspiring women’s range pays homage to those fierce souls who shatter glass ceilings like sugar cubes against porcelain walls – empowering sips to fuel dreams and crush obstacles along their remarkable journeys.

For the passionate bibliophile and book lover, these ceramic mugs are like literary cocoons, cradling warm brews in their comforting embrace as you dive into thrilling adventures on crisp pages. So poetic, right?

And for those who cannot resist the soothing touch of nature or the adorable antics of furry companions, there are exquisite coffee mugs designed especially for plant lovers, cat enthusiasts, and dog devotees – offering a daily dose of joy peeking out from your kitchen cabinet.

Of course, we love these travel mugs that are built to last. Take to the great outdoors with your favorite beverage in hand, all thanks to these custom stainless steel travel mugs.

Celebrate our progress towards equality. Remind yourself of our ongoing battle against the patriarchy with each sip!

So pick your favorite coffee mug (or mugs) high in celebration as you conquer early mornings and Monday blues alike because life’s too short for boring cups when you can embrace each day with laughter and maybe spill some coffee on yourself trying not laugh at how hilarious it all is (just make sure it’s not on your brand new GetBullish mug!).

May your mornings be forever radiant with these marvelous coffee mugs; may they bring forth happiness one sip at a time!

The post GetBullish Original Coffee Mugs: Elevate Your Morning Routine first appeared on GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community.

Top 11 Kitchen Gifts for Anyone Who Cooks (or Eats!) Mon, 02 Sep 2024 18:59:00 +0000 Updated for Holidays 2024 Are you looking for the perfect gift for your foodie friend or family member? Look no further! We’ve compiled a list of 10 kitchen gifts that will make cooking more enjoyable and efficient. From high-quality cookware to innovative gadgets, these gifts are sure to impress any home cook. So, whether you’re… Continue reading Top 11 Kitchen Gifts for Anyone Who Cooks (or Eats!)

The post Top 11 Kitchen Gifts for Anyone Who Cooks (or Eats!) first appeared on GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community.

Updated for Holidays 2024

Are you looking for the perfect gift for your foodie friend or family member? Look no further! We’ve compiled a list of 10 kitchen gifts that will make cooking more enjoyable and efficient. From high-quality cookware to innovative gadgets, these gifts are sure to impress any home cook. So, whether you’re shopping for a seasoned chef or a beginner cook, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in!

1. Cheese Charcuterie Set – Hosting made easy with this charcuterie set! Everything you need to serve cheeses, meats, and more in one convenient gift set. Perfect for your next gathering!

2. I Cereasly Love You Ceramic Bowl – Say “Cheerio” to your loved one (if they’re not a flake!) with this punny bowl.

3. Spatula and Kitchen Towel Set – This spatula and kitchen towel gift set comes with a wooden handle spatula and a stylish kitchen towel, perfect for elevating any kitchen. Enjoy your newfound adulting with this stylish and functional bundle!

4. Always Use Protection Oven Mitt and Potholder Set – This heavy duty, high quality oven mitt is fun but ready to rumble. Features an all-cotton, comfy, natural-fitting shape. The inside has extra-quilted insulation, so hands stay cool. Always use protection – a lot of mushrooms are poisonous!

5. Cup of Nessie Blue Dinosaur Tea Infuser & Cup – Get the par’tea’ started with Baby Nessie, the tea cup and strainer set that is just as adorable as it is functional. Made from BPA-free, food-safe materials, this tea strainer set comes with a steel cup and a dino-shaped silicone infuser for the ultimate tea party companion.

6. Boss Lady Cooking and BBQ Apron – Kitchen apron made from soft, extra-sturdy, 100% cotton twill. Features a comfortable adjustable neck strap and extra-long waist ties for a flattering fit on nearly anyone. The pair of pockets on the front, solid construction and reinforced stitching make this apron ready for action.

7. “I Lilac You a Lot” Kitchen Tea Towel – A cotton-linen blend tea towel with darling lilac designs and an embroidered punny message, “I Lilac You A Lot.” Hang it up easily with the included loop, and showcase it on a rack with its card hanger.

8. Pasta Monster Pasta Servers – A set of two monster-inspired pasta utensils suitable for kids, Pastafarians, and anyone who wants to make their spaghetti dinner truly unique.

9. Let Them Eat Cake Cooking Spoon – Marie Antoinette probably never said that. And no one will behead you for saying it, because you’re literally making cake.

10. One Bad Mother Clucker Spatula – If Samuel L. Jackson were a chicken farmer…

11. Subversive Sponges – This hilarious set of 4 sweary sponges has a sponge holder that also serves as a frame (a frame for your potty mouth, that is!) A funny gift for someone who doesn’t take themselves too seriously in the kitch.

Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a cooking enthusiast, there’s something for everyone on this list to enhance your kitchen and make the heart of your home even more inviting.

So, equip your kitchen with these delightful gifts, and let the aroma of freshly prepared meals fill your home. May each culinary creation be a celebration of flavors and a testament to the joy that comes from embracing the art of cooking.

The post Top 11 Kitchen Gifts for Anyone Who Cooks (or Eats!) first appeared on GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community.

Top 42 Unusual Gift Ideas Under $20 for Mother’s Day 2024 Wed, 03 Apr 2024 15:13:39 +0000 Welcome to our ultimate guide for unusual Mother’s Day Gifts Under $20 for 2024! If you’re tired of the same old flowers and chocolates, you’ve come to the right place. From quirky gadgets to thoughtful trinkets, we’ve curated a selection of unique presents that are sure to surprise and delight. After all, the economy might… Continue reading Top 42 Unusual Gift Ideas Under $20 for Mother’s Day 2024

The post Top 42 Unusual Gift Ideas Under $20 for Mother’s Day 2024 first appeared on GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community.


Welcome to our ultimate guide for unusual Mother’s Day Gifts Under $20 for 2024!

If you’re tired of the same old flowers and chocolates, you’ve come to the right place.

From quirky gadgets to thoughtful trinkets, we’ve curated a selection of unique presents that are sure to surprise and delight. After all, the economy might suck, but your mom’s pretty great, right?

Whether you’re shopping for your mom, grandmother, wife, or friend, we’ve got something for everyone.

So let’s dive in and discover the perfect way to show your appreciation this Mother’s Day without breaking the proverbial bank.

Everyone loves a pretty new journal for plans, lists, and secrets. When looking for Mother’s Day gifts under $20, we’re a big fan of hardback journals from Peter Pauper especially this gold gilded Versailles journal that just screams “Marie Antoinette”! (Don’t behead your mom, though).

Also check out glam feminine aesthetic legal pads and mini notebooks from Papaya and, on a less serious note, punny animal notepads from Primitives by Kathy like “Duck Off” and “No Prob-llama.”

We’ve also got adult coloring books on topics from succulents to “boho dreams.” Even better, nearly all of these options are under $20!

Surprise your mom with a heartfelt gesture that will last a lifetime. Instead of traditional flowers that wither away, consider gifting her a cute felted bouquet. This is one Mother’s Day gift under $20 that actually costs less than a real flower bouquet, and lasts longer!

Crafted with meticulous care and attention to detail, these bouquets are not only beautiful but also enduring symbols of your love and appreciation.

Choose from a variety of options such as the elegant “Petite Rose Bouquet“, the charming “Petite Red Rose Bouquet“, or the enchanting “Petite Foxglove & Lupine Bouquet“.

Plus, for those who enjoy crafting themselves, don’t forget to check out our Crafts Collection where you can find a range of crafting kits and ribbon spindle.

Plant moms will love “Plant Life” and “Cactus” embroidery kits. Make this Mother’s Day unforgettable with a cute gifts for the DIY-er in everyone.

This Mother’s Day, why not add a dash of humor to your mom’s kitchen with our hilarious selection of funny tea towels? Our collection features witty and charming designs, puns, swears, and cheeky sayings – all excellent Mother’s Day gifts under $20.

From sassy quips to clever puns, there’s something for every mom with a sense of humor. Check out our range of quirky tea towels like “Queen of Damn Near Everything” or “Nobunny Compares To You.”

Check out our retro-inspired towel “I Like It Hot And In The Morning” or our 80’s vibe towel “Radiate Love“.

Why not gift your dog mom a cute “Stay At Home Dog Mom” set with both a tea towel and a cookie cutter? See more of these sets.

These tea towels not only add a touch of whimsy to the kitchen but also serve as a reminder of your love and appreciation every time she uses them.

How about rude and inappropriate Mother’s Day gifts under $20? It really depends on your mom. I’m sure you know if she would enjoy sweary profanity gifts, or if she would wash your mouth out with soap, cross herself, etc.

From witty mugs that pack a punch to hilarious cards that say what everyone’s thinking, we’ve got something to suit every mom’s unique sense of humor.

Check out our vintage-inspired motel style keychain that says, “What a Fucked Up Time to Be Alive” – appropriate for the sarcastic mom. Or treat her to a dose of irreverent fun with gifts like “5pm Me: I Love Cooking. 7pm Me: Fuck This” and “Fuck, I Love Cheese” oven mitts or “This Meeting is Bullshit” and “It’s a New Day to Fuck Shit Up” crew socks.

Oh, we bet she’ll love these Delicate Fucking Flower bubble bath treats! Why settle for the ordinary when you can give your mom a Mother’s Day gift that’s as bold and badass as she is (and also smells good)?

Show your appreciation for all the hard work and love your mom has poured into your life with a Mother’s Day gift under $20 that’s actually useful!

From practical kitchen gadgets to stylish organizational tools, our selection of useful gifts has something for every mom.

Treat her to a sleek and functional travel mug for her morning commute, or a luxurious masking gift set to help her unwind after a long day.

Consider cute kitchenware to streamline her daily routines like spatulas, or a cute meal planner – more planners here!

We love these funny kitchen sponges too – “Playing Card Kitchen Sponge Set“, “House Plant Monstera Leaf Kitchen Sponge” and “Embroidered Poly Sponges Set“.

Whatever her interests and needs may be, a useful gift is a surefire way to show your mom just how much you care. This Mother’s Day, give her the gift of convenience and comfort with a thoughtful present that she’ll use and appreciate every day.

This Mother’s Day, express your love and gratitude with a heartfelt greeting card.

Our collection of Mother’s Day cards is designed to convey the depth of your emotions in a meaningful and personalized way, or to show her you’re not afraid to say “shit” on a card.

Check out our retro “You Will Always Be My Inspiration Card“, a punny “To My Panda-stic Mom Panda Card” or a scalloped-edge “Ain’t No Mama Like The One Card“. You might also like profanity cards like “Mom, You’re The Baddest Bitch I Know” or “Mom You’re The Shit“.

We’re fans of this Freddie Mercury themed card (Mamaaa Oooooooohhhhh!)

How about 9 Important Black Women Everyone Should Know (the middle spot is left open for mom!), or To the Best Fuckin’ Mom from the Best Fuckin’ Family or – this really depends on the mom – Thanks Mom, Not Gonna Lie Though, Kinda Gross, which features a rather biological illustration of, you know, childbirth.

Add your own personal message and watch as it brings a smile to her face, either because of the beautiful sentiments, or, again, because you found a card that drops the f-bomb.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this guide. Over at our lil’ e-commerce arm FemPowerGifts by GetBullish we’ve got literally thousands of funny and inexpensive gifts – please keep on coming back, and we’ll keep on stocking ’em!

The post Top 42 Unusual Gift Ideas Under $20 for Mother’s Day 2024 first appeared on GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community.

How to Go From Inbox 20,000 to Inbox Zero in One Hour Tue, 02 Jan 2024 12:21:34 +0000 Updated for 2024 So, people say “Inbox Zero” to you – the idea that your email inbox should be at zero or near-zero at all times – and you laugh uproariously, right? Those Silicon Valley slimeballs with their Soylent and their empty inboxes and, I don’t know, probably a $400 smart backpack that monitors how… Continue reading How to Go From Inbox 20,000 to Inbox Zero in One Hour

The post How to Go From Inbox 20,000 to Inbox Zero in One Hour first appeared on GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community.


Updated for 2024

So, people say “Inbox Zero” to you – the idea that your email inbox should be at zero or near-zero at all times – and you laugh uproariously, right?

Those Silicon Valley slimeballs with their Soylent and their empty inboxes and, I don’t know, probably a $400 smart backpack that monitors how many times a day they clench their stupid buttcheeks.

Because you don’t have 200 unanswered emails waiting for you, you have thousands. So many thousands.

Yeah, cool. On it.

I think it’s possible for some people to have an enormously full inbox and just pick and choose from it they things they like, and ignore the rest. This may be generational; Gen Z doesn’t seem to care. Or people who do this may simply be so low-anxiety they’re basically dead. Not the worst way to be.

But for many people, a full inbox is a very, very poorly organized to-do list full of bad feelings.

So let’s work it out. I’m going to assume you’re using Gmail.

Celebrate Pride LGBT

So, first, you cheat: Make a folder called “To Be Processed” and put everything more than about four weeks old in it.

This is a lie. You will never process these emails.

This is much like putting unwanted food back in the fridge, knowing you are going to let it spoil and then, later, you’ll have no choice but to throw it out. You will not apologize for this. It is your inbox and you owe forthrightness about it to no one.

If anyone asks you about one of these emails, which will almost certainly never happen, you can say, “Ah, I think that got stuck in the processing area of my email. What can I do for you now?” It sounds like you have a very specific system and are very busy and organized.

Now, regarding the last four weeks of email – deal with the low-hanging fruit first.

Mark any spam as such. Unsubscribe from promotions if you’ve got the energy, but you can also just delete them for now. Once your inbox is empty, an unwanted promotional email landing in it is much more offensive and you’ll be more motivated to unsubscribe from those emails as they come in. If you are reluctant to delete promotional emails because you might actually want what’s in them, delete the emails and add “check out and decide whether to buy” to your to-do list.

Emails from friends? Who even does that anymore? Archive, then text the person (or Facebook message, etc.). Emailing a reply will only invite more emails. 

Any emails that just seem kind of stale, like the moment has passed? Or you just don’t know what to do about them? Put them in the “To Be Processed” folder along with the old emails. Tell yourself that replying now would just remind the person that you let their email sit and rot, and they’d much prefer a fresh email or call from you later. 

Do you have a boss who would be upset if you just archived all their emails? I’ve gotcha, no worries. Ask for a meeting to catch up on some things. Bring a notepad. Make a few bullet points ahead of time about the major areas of discussion. Then try, “I’ve got a lot of emails, so I thought it would be easier to just sit down for a few minutes and talk about priorities and anything else you need from me right now.” Find out what the boss wants to hear back from you on. Then archive their emails, and do the stuff on the notepad.

You can do this with other people, too. Do you have a handful of old, complicated messages from the same person? How about, “Hey, we have a lot to talk about with the XYZ project and a couple other things – can we catch up over coffee this week?”

Now, are you down to 20-100 emails that represent real tasks?  Great. 

Most of the items in your in-box that represent to-do items are not particularly more important than the to-do items that aren’t represented by emails in your inbox, but they take on an outsized importance because they’re sitting in your cursèd inbox, breathing like swamp creatures just waiting in a dim bog for you to sink and become theirs, forever. These to-do items need put in their place and these emails need to die.

Open a Google doc or Google Sheets or other spreadsheet or whatever online thing you use for a to-do list. I use Airtable. Write down what the tasks are. Each task should begin with a verb. “Mark Smedkoff” is not a task. “Reply to Mark Smedkoff” begins with a verb, which is better, but not very specific. What do you need to do in order to reply? We’re looking for something like, “Tell Mark Smedkoff no to his project” or “Email Mark Smedkoff old 2021 taxes,” in which case you will probably need to add another to-do: “Find old 2021 taxes.”

If the email from Mark said nothing except, essentially, “Send me the 2021 taxes,” archive the email. If the email contains necessary information:

  • Copy the URL of the email (works in gmail and probably other webmail)
  • If using a document, make the to-do list item a link to this email
  • If using a spreadsheet (I use Airtable), add a column for email URLs
  • Archive the email

Do you have bills in there? Maybe bills you can’t pay just yet? Open another goddamn spreadsheet called Bills. Make columns for Name, Amount, Due, and URL. Paste the URL. Archive the emails. Now you can at least sort your unpaid bills by urgency, amount, whether your lights get turned off, etc., rather than by the intensity of the anxiety the emails give you in your inbox.

Do you have some emails that you really should just write back to instead of making a to-do, since the to-do list item is really quick, except that you don’t want to, so then you get frustrated and stop emptying your inbox? Oh hell no, we’re not going to hit a roadblock this far in!

Just because a task is short doesn’t mean it isn’t emotionally exhausting. Put “Tell Polly I cannot be a bridesmaid” as the to-do. Add the URL of the email. Archive the email. You’ve kept that email long enough, she can wait until you finish your inbox and move on to your to-do list. You never liked her that much anyway.

Do you have some emails that you’re keeping because they contain special information, even though you don’t really have an action item about them, but, I mean, you might in the future? If you’re keeping promotional emails from a company that competes with yours, or event invites from the much more accomplished and famous version of you, put those in a folder called “Swipe file.” If it’s more of a useful fact you want to retain, consider copying it someplace more accessible (many of my bases in Airtable have a tab called “FYI” for this type of information).

But overall, don’t be too precious. Do you really need to file away something that has been in your inbox for months (or years!) without you needing to look at it? Gmail is searchable. Archive it. Now. It’ll be there later when you need it, which will probably be never.

Now what about all those people who will actually be getting a reply?

Virtually everyone in society has the same email problem. We have too much email, and we get behind. It’s OK to acknowledge this. Don’t lie and tell people their message went to spam, or that you wrote a reply but left it in Drafts. Just tell them, “Sorry I dropped the thread on this, hoping to pick it back up” or “Pardon me, my inbox got a little out of control – can we schedule a call to reinitiate this?”

Here’s a favorite of mine: “I’m closing out my 2023 emails, and I found this dropped thread from way back. I love this idea, maybe we can do something similar in 2024…” What does it mean to close out your 2023 emails? No one knows, but that just makes you sound like you have a really specific system that maybe you should write some punchy little 5-Minute Email Master book about, you glorious beast.

Do this until your inbox is empty.

So hey, you just fixed your inbox.

But it’s going to get full again. That’s fine, you just need to do this process regularly. You’re never done cleaning anything. You got a sparkly fresh bathtub? How long’s that going to last? We have to perform mundane tasks repeatedly until we die, so you’ll live better if you acknowledge this and do it proactively rather than live in filth and chaos and still have to do the tasks eventually anyway. Put “inbox cleaning” on your damn calendar. How about every Friday from 3-4pm? That’s a good time because you can use “I was just clearing out my inbox for the week” in future catch-up emails to people.

But don’t send people emails Friday at 4, that’s just rude. Queue them up (I use the Boomerang extension for Gmail) for Monday morning, as in “I was clearing out my inbox from last week and wanted to pick this back up.” You look so on top of things!

Just do this now — it might take a couple days — and then do it once a week or once a month forever, or as long as email is still a thing.

Woman's hands holding coffee and the GetBullish Money Reset book on a cozy blanket

Finally, can you cut down on future email?

Now that your inbox is empty, you’ll want to unsubscribe or delete promotional email as soon as it hits.

Maybe you want to move certain conversations to group text, or Slack, or to a project management situation in Asana or Basecamp or Airtable. I use Airtable for tasks I assign to others. Each line in one of my Airtable spreadsheets eliminates 2 or more emails – the one where I would assign the task and the one where the person would tell me the task is done, and potentially various emails along the lines of “Is this done yet?”

If you run a company, maybe it’s time for a helpdesk system like Helpscout, where each email becomes a ticket and you can assign it to someone else with the click of a button.

But mainly: put your to-do items where they belong. Not half on a to-do list and half in your inbox, shrouded in small talk and guilt.

Go forth and be free! Open Gmail on your phone in the bar and when you see the “you have no emails!” screen, leave the phone upturned on the table and watch people regard you with mystery and awe.

The post How to Go From Inbox 20,000 to Inbox Zero in One Hour first appeared on GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community.

Glam Up Your Home Office This 2025 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 16:30:34 +0000 Welcome to a new year of possibilities and productivity! As we usher in 2025, there’s no better time to revitalize your work environment and transform your home office into a space that not only sparks creativity but also exudes sophistication. In this fast-paced digital era, where remote work has become the norm, your home office… Continue reading Glam Up Your Home Office This 2025

The post Glam Up Your Home Office This 2025 first appeared on GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community.


Welcome to a new year of possibilities and productivity! As we usher in 2025, there’s no better time to revitalize your work environment and transform your home office into a space that not only sparks creativity but also exudes sophistication. In this fast-paced digital era, where remote work has become the norm, your home office is more than just a functional workspace—it’s a reflection of your style, personality, and professional ethos. So, buckle up as we embark on a journey to glam up your home office, turning it into a haven of inspiration and efficiency.

Elevate your home office with a wooden box sign, a rustic farmhouse-inspired piece that seamlessly blends vintage charm with motivational flair, setting the tone for a stylish and productive workspace.

Our cute pen holders aren’t just for pens, use these for virtually anything!

Spruce up your desk with these glamorous crown top pens.  Each set comes with four different positive phrases that will brighten your day and mood. Keep it or gift it.

This adorable planter features a playful gold mole design. Great for adding the stylish touch to your home office décor.

A classic black and white wooden box sign displaying a motivational “Everything Is Figureoutable” sentiment. Makes an encouraging reminder when trying to figure out things and life! It might take time, but everything is figureoutable.

Unleash your sense of humor and motivation in your glamorized home office with this funny green sticky notes bringing a playful touch to your workspace organization.

A block sign style weekly planning notepad featuring an “Invest In Yourself: Meditate – Read – Eat Healthy – Drink Water – Move Your Body – Rest Up – You Are Worthy” sentiment.  

Follow your dreams. A coordinating three-piece stationery set featuring a convenient pencil holder, two notebooks, and three pencils.

Boring stationery be gone! This ceramic Cherry Pen Pot is the perfect pop of retro charm for your desk. Shaped like a milk carton and featuring a playful cherry milkshake design.

Upgrade any office desk with our glass paperweights. Cute phrases to keep you focused on task!

Organize with meaning and style. These trendy yet functional binder clips are the perfect office essential.

Enjoy your coffee breaks in your chic home office with the “She Mostly Answered Emails in Grave Design” Black Mug, seamlessly blending wit and elegance for a caffeine companion.

Infuse a playful and charming element into your glamorized home office with the Blue Walrus Pot, marrying whimsy and greenery for a stylish touch of nature on your workspace.

Spruce up your desk with these glamorous crown top pens with a distressed, farmhouse wood look.

Remember, a glamorous workspace isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a reflection of your unique style and a catalyst for increased productivity and well-being. Whether you embraced the chic decor suggestions, adorned your desk with whimsical accessories, or simply found joy in the process of revamping, may your glamorized home office serve as a backdrop to your most successful and stylish year yet. Here’s to a 2025 filled with productivity, innovation, and the perfect balance of glamour in every endeavor. Cheers to your revamped and fabulous workspace!

The post Glam Up Your Home Office This 2025 first appeared on GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community.

Book Lovers Gifts: Top 14 Gifts Tailored for True Bibliophiles Fri, 08 Dec 2023 15:40:25 +0000 Get ready to turn the page on ordinary gift-giving because our Top 14 Gifts for Bibliophiles are here to add a plot twist to your present game. From novel accessories to literary delights, we’ve crafted a collection that’s sure to leave book lovers flipping out. So, whether you’re shopping for your bookish bestie or upgrading… Continue reading Book Lovers Gifts: Top 14 Gifts Tailored for True Bibliophiles

The post Book Lovers Gifts: Top 14 Gifts Tailored for True Bibliophiles first appeared on GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community.

Get ready to turn the page on ordinary gift-giving because our Top 14 Gifts for Bibliophiles are here to add a plot twist to your present game. From novel accessories to literary delights, we’ve crafted a collection that’s sure to leave book lovers flipping out. So, whether you’re shopping for your bookish bestie or upgrading your reading nook, buckle up for a journey through the wittiest and most whimsical gifts for the true-blue lovers of the written word.

1. Iroha Fountain Pen Tenugui Handkerchief – The perfect accessory for book lovers who like to leave a touch of sophistication on every page turn. Because every plot twist deserves a dramatic dab, and every literary masterpiece should be enjoyed with a side of Japanese hand cloth flair!

2. 2024 Cat With Books Weekly Planner – Plan your purr-fect reading schedule with this cat lovers planner — a must-have for bookworms whose cats insist on being part of the literary committee.

3. William Shakespeare Felt Figure Ornament – Nothing says ‘Happy Holidays’ like having the master of the quill oversee your festive gatherings. Whether you’re decking the halls or staging a yuletide drama, let Shakespeare add a touch of literary merriment to your seasonal décor

4. Society Of Late Night Readers Unisex Classic Jersey T-shirt – Because who needs sleep when there are plot twists to unravel and fictional worlds to explore? Wear it proudly and let the world know that your bedtime story ends when the book does!

5. Treat Yo’ Self Book Lovers Card – A literary indulgence for those who believe that self-care involves a good book and a cozy nook. Because treating yourself is as essential as turning the pages of your next favorite read!

6. Indie Bookstore Soy Candle Contest Winner – Nothing says victory like the sweet scent of success and the unmistakable aroma of well-loved books. Now your space can be as warm and inviting as your favorite independent bookstore, minus the need for a library card!

7. Library Card Pillow in Hot Pink – Snuggle up with the Library Card Pillow in Hot Pink—the ultimate accessory for bookworms who dream in color-coded genres. Now you can rest your head on literary adventures and let the world know that your bedtime stories are as vibrant as your reading list.

8. Books Are My Friends / My Best Friends Are Books Ceramic Mug – The perfect vessel for coffee-fueled conversations with your literary companions.

9. I’m A Nerd and Not the Cool Kind Women’s Crew Socks – Who needs cool when you have characters, plot twists, and a cozy reading nook? Now your feet can do the talking, proudly declaring your allegiance to the nerdy side of literature!

10. The Promiscuous Reader Yoga Mat – Get ready to stretch your imagination and flex your literary muscles. Now you can strike a pose and dive into your favorite novel, proving that flexibility is just as important in literature as it is in yoga

11. Hide and Go Read Pencil Case – Unleash your inner book ninja with the ‘Hide and Go Read’ Pencil Case—because sometimes stealthy reading maneuvers require the perfect camouflage. Now you can stash your literary weapons in style, ready to sneak in a chapter whenever and wherever the plot thickens

12. Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Lip Balm – Pucker up with literary flair because when the language of love is too complex, let your lips speak the sweet verses of kissing cherries.

13. Oxford Comma Fan Club Grammar Pencils in Reds and Purples – Now you can proudly declare your allegiance to the Oxford Comma, proving that you take punctuation as seriously as your pencil-sharpening routine.

14. Big Ol’ Word Nerd Men’s Crew Socks – Sometimes your love for big words needs a cozy home, right on your feet. Now you can proudly strut your vocabulary prowess, one well-defined step at a time.

As we close the chapter on our exploration of the Gifts for Book Lovers, we hope you’ve found the perfect literary companion to add to your collection or surprise the book lover in your life. Whether it’s the laughter-inspiring socks, the elegant bookish accessories, or the quirky essentials, may these gifts bring joy to every page of your reading journey. Happy reading and gifting, fellow book enthusiasts! Until the next chapter unfolds, keep turning those pages with a smile.

The post Book Lovers Gifts: Top 14 Gifts Tailored for True Bibliophiles first appeared on GetBullish Shop | Blog | Community.
