
Friday Link: Getting Over Failure

Bullish: I’m Starting 12 Businesses in 12 Months, And This One’s About Cats

As Seen In Bitch Magazine

Bullish: Every Weird Thing You Do Will Help You

Bullish Q&A: Teaching The Teachers

Bullish Q&A: Half-Shaved Haircuts, Interviews, and Mentors

Bullish: What Do You Really Owe Your Family? (Also: Solving Problems Without Sacrificing Yourself)

Bullish Q&A: When to Break Up With Your Job

Bullish Q&A: What’s More Important When You’re in College, an Honors Thesis or a Job?

Bullish Q&A: When You’ve Been Cheated On and Now Hate Everyone

Bullish: How to Have a Staidcation (for Staid People, Get It?)

Bullish: How to Make Yourself Do Your To-Do List

Apply for a Tech Position That Doesn’t Exist

Bullish: Interview Advice (i.e., The Horrible Awkwardness of Phone Interviews and Skirt Suits)

Bullish: Where To Get A Kickass Business Idea (Also: Whiskey And Knitting)

Bullish: When Your Male Partner is Not Exactly Helping Your Career

From Our Patriarchy Desk

Bullish: Coping With Career Suckage You Have No Control Over (Or DO You…?)

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