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Bullish: Is College Worth It? And How Important is Youthful Success?

#BullCon Speaker Jennifer Wright Will Teach You How to Pitch (and How Not To)

Bullish Conference Goody Bags Are Happening

Bullish: Why You Should Apply for Jobs You Aren’t Qualified For

Bullish: How Getting Hit On By Dudes Trains You For Career Negotiations

Bullish: Should You Act More Confident By Making Yourself Larger (Like a Blowfish)?

Bullish: Should You Do What You Love?

Bullish: Judged If You Wear High Heels, Judged If You Wear Anything Else

Bullish: On Managing Slackers When You Have No Power (And/Or Being A Solitary Unicorn)

Autostraddle Peruses #BullCon2013 Schedule, Correctly Deems It Awesome

Bullish: High-Paying, Women-Friendly Tech Jobs Are Out There (Even if You Majored in Art)

Bullish: Should You Take A Step Backwards To Switch Careers? (Also: Beguile Employers Into Loving You!)

10 Reasons to Attend Bullish Conference 2013

Bullish: How Do You Improve Your Life When Friends and Family Tell You to “Be Realistic”?

Scholarships for #BullCon2013: Apply Now!

A Very #BullCon2013 Reading List

Bullish Q&A UPDATE: “Should I Quit Grad School for a Startup?”

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