Bullish Conference Speakers: Casey & Julie: Lightning Coaching for Pitching and Presentations

julie and casey - Bullcon18

This year at BullCon we’re bringing back Casey and Julie of Vital Voice! We’re so excited to learn more from them.

We caught up for a quick Q&A – check it out below to get a sneak peak on what to expect at BullCon.

Hi Casey and Julie! We can’t wait to see what you’re bringing to BullCon – can you tell us a little bit about your workshop?

This year we decided to break up the workshop format and make things 100% interactive.  Bullicorns will have the opportunity to sign up for one of a few slots to present up to 3 minutes of material to the group – anything from a company pitch to a personal introduction to a piece of your future TEDx talk.  This will allow you to experience some of the “feels” of a high stakes presentation but in front of a supportive, friendly audience!  We’ll then give feedback and adjustments in front of the audience (so that everyone learns from watching as well as participating), and then you’ll get a chance to take those adjustments and try it again.  Benefits: specific coaching as a participant, lots of learning as an audience member, a chance to do the hardest thing of all for a lot of high achievers – JUST DO THE THING and allow for imperfection, and a controlled environment for risk-taking!  We’re stoked.

Without giving too much away, what’s one small adjustment that people can make in their pitches to be a more effective?

Ultimately, an effective pitch isn’t about you – it can’t be.  It’s about getting people on board with an idea.  They need to feel like they have skin in the game!  Start by asking “what is my audience getting out of this – what value am I providing, what is the emotional and intellectual hook”.  Also – BREATHE.  It’s the first thing we forget to do when we’re in a high-stress situation.

What brings you back to BullCon?

We have a special place in our hearts for the Bullish Conference and community – Jen is the very first person we pitched on the day we bought our domain name.  Getting chosen to speak at our first Bullcon was a huge validation for our ideas about women, confidence, voice, and presence, and the friends we made there continue to be some of our dearest in real life

BullCon can not come fast enough! In the meantime, how can we stay in touch with you? 

@vital_voice on Twitter
@vitalvoicetraining on instagram

Join Casey, Julie and the rest of the badass Bullicorns at The Bullish Conference this September 30 – Oct 3. Get your tickets here.

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