Bullish Conference Speaker: Dr. Maya Borgueta – Self Compassion for Ambitious Women

Dr. Maya Borgueta

This October, we’re bringing together badass feminists from across the world. We’re thrilled to welcome Dr. Maya Borgueta to our speaker lineup.

We caught up with her for a quick Q&A, check it out for a sneak peak into what she’ll be covering this year.

Hi Maya! Can you tell us a little about your topic and what we can expect this year at BullCon?

My topic is “Self-Compassion for Ambitious Women” which is a personal favorite for me to share with other career-minded women. So many of us have a love-hate relationship with this really harsh self-critical voice in our heads. I say love-hate because even though it clearly can bring us, we’ve also internalized this belief that being harsh on ourselves is the path to self-improvement and success. But it’s a total myth; the science is clear that when we treat ourselves with compassion – even when we’re failing or falling short – we’re not only happier, but more motivated and resilient.

This will be an interactive workshop providing an introduction to the science and practice of self-compassion. We’ll look at:

  • The myth that self-compassion leads to laziness and mediocrity
  • The difference between self-compassion and self-indulgence
  • Why perfectionism doesn’t work
  • Techniques for addressing your inner critic
  • How self-compassion supports career success

Without giving too much away, what’s one small way that people can practice self-compassion daily?

One easy self-compassion practice we can use when we’re stuck in self-criticism is to give ourselves the advice we’d give to a friend. I love events like BullCon because they are full of women encouraging, supporting, and pumping each other up for success. How would you talk to a fellow Bullicorn who was struggling or had been through a setback? That’s exactly how you need to support and motivate yourself.

Is there anything else we should know about you?

I’m a licensed clinical psychologist and the founder of a new company based in San Francisco, Stella Nova Psychology, Inc.
Stella Nova’s mission is to support women’s personal and professional health so that they can succeed and thrive in all areas of their lives. We currently offer therapy, retreats, and workshops in downtown San Francisco (and will be expanding to offer career counseling and leadership coaching as well). We’re a feminist, multicultural and queer-affirmative practice.
This is my third BullCon and I’ve been a member of the online community since it was just a Facebook group. I give a lot of credit to this community for my decision to focus my career on supporting professional women – I’m really passionate about being part of and working to create spaces where women support each other. It’s also given me the confidence to imagine myself as an entrepreneur.

We can’t wait to learn more in Palm Springs! Until then, how can we keep in touch?

You can find me on Twitter @Tweet_ItsMaya (personal) and @StellaNovaWomen (professional)
Instagram @Realilluzion (personal) or @StellaNovaWomen (professional)
Facebook.com/allison.maya or /stellanovawomen

Join us this September 30 – October 3 for the 6th annual Bullish Conference. Get your tickets here

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