About Jen

Jennifer Dziura is the founder of GetBullish.com and the annual Bullish Conference.
Bullish is feminism- and justice-minded work talk from someone who believes in examining our relationship to corporations. Jennifer believes you can make money and influence the world without being a jerk. She believes in starting businesses on zero dollars, selling expensive things to rich people, and doing real things in the world rather than trying to “manifest your dreams.” She writes about class and gender issues in business, assertiveness, sexual ethics, multiple income streams, and the value of women talking openly about money, careers, privilege, and influence. She doesn’t believe in telling women to act like men in order to succeed. She believes in risk taking, negotiating better by being genuinely willing to walk away, gentlewomanly living, gravitas, espresso, prosecco, and helping other women.
Jennifer started her first company, an internet marketing firm, during her sophomore year at Dartmouth College, where she majored in philosophy (and was, at one point, the first woman captain of the newly-reformed boxing team!) She had eight part-time employees by the time she graduated.
She has also worked as a Director of Marketing for a social network and a Lead Curriculum Developer for an education company. She is the author or co-author of many books and products about the GMAT and GRE, math, vocabulary, and logic, and speaks at universities about designing your own career, networking without being fake, and defining your personal mission.
She has co-hosted over 300 adult spelling bees with the Williamsburg Spelling Bee, the nation’s most popular adult spelling bee. Jennifer has appeared in a Sci Fi Channel pilot for the television show Brain Trust, was featured on the Oprah Winfrey Network, has been heard numerous times on NPR (all of them about spelling bees).
GetBullish also runs an online shop selling ironic feminist gift items, and the annual Bullish Conference.
She lives in Brooklyn.
Her last name is pronounced “Di-ZURA.”
Jen on Twitter: @jendziura (in addition to @getbullish)
Jen on Instagram (in addition to @getbullish)
See information about having Jen as a speaker here.